This is an older picture but look at how big it's all getting! |
I'm really done with this whole "being sick in summer" thing. It stinks and it's keeping from being out in my garden as much! (as well as from updating this).
I really like to look back at
a little more than a month ago you can see how far things have come! The cucumbers were tiny for example! Then if you look at
a little less than a month ago you'll still see how fast they've grown. I find it surprising and shocking. It's nice that it grows fast!
An adorable baby cucumber. I love how cute these are! |
Even with me being sick (I caught what my hubby had over the fourth), things have still been crazy busy! Just this last week (on days I was feeling somewhat good enough to go outside) I moved the sage and rosemary inside. They are now sitting on my desk next to me. The reason for moving the rosemary was that it never could seem to be happy in the garden. At least in a pot I can monitor it a bit more closely and move it to accommodate it. The reason for moving the sage was that we have discovered a HUGE June bug infestation! They were devouring my sage plant and with the dill and cilantro next to it getting so big it was having a hard time recouping. (The infestation isn't gone, but we are spraying plant leaves with a soap based organic spray to keep them from eating the plants. We also put out a June bug trap (a jar with about 2 inches of oil inside with a solar light pointing in and surrounding it since they are drawn to the light and will then die in the oil) ) At first we thought we had slugs since all the research I had seen was pointing to that. We put out our beer traps and tip toed outside with a flashlight in the middle of the night to catch the traps in action only to find no slugs but June bugs over everything! Keeping our porch light off at night in the backyard also seems to make a huge difference. Our mole/groundhog also finally did the evil unforgivable act and has tunneled into the garden. As much as the traps appall me, I may let my husband put one in. I don't want to kill whatever it is, but I also don't want it in my garden :( I'm going to put up more of the pop bottles on poles (my husband was playing with them and didn't put them back in correctly or the same spots so I'm thinking this might be why the sudden "ohh garden" from the creature) and hope that it decides to go on it's merry little way!
My first harvest of green beans. |
My garden is producing produce! (see what I did there?) I'm so excited! I've always enjoyed cooking with fresh ingredients, but having my own grown veggies definitely rocks! My first harvest was enough for my hubby and I to eat with two meals, my second filled a Wal-mart bag half way full (I ended up sharing with my friends down the street and gave them half) and my third has added even more to that. I think I'm going to start freeze canning them (I sadly do not have a pressure cooker :( to regularly can them yet) so that I don't run the risk of losing them! They are really yummy!
My first two zucchini and three cucumbers! |
Even the zucchini and cucumbers are starting to come in now! I'm extremely excited :) We used the zucchini in
this Rachel Ray recipe. We first made it last year when it came out in the magazine and fell in love with it! It's a very good recipe and I highly recommend it! The cucumbers I'll be turning into cucumber sandwiches today.
My First Quilt. |
I finally finished my quilt (in between being sick) and started my husbands. To see more, visit my
Crafting Blog: Something Crafty This Way Comes!
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