Things have been crazy around here. I've had a bit of a bug (sick when I eat or drink but otherwise fine) that finally seems to be going away and we've had a friend in the hospital. I finally got to get out to my garden to take inventory and to really look at it! Lulu is so much happier now than she was before! Look at this picture!
Look at all the new baby tomatoes! |
I'm excited. the one tomato I've been nursing on her (you can see it in the background) has some pretty serious blossom rot. Is it bad that when I look at this guys I see fried green tomato blts?
At the end of the yellow blossom you can see the beginnings of the first baby zucchini! |
While on the topic of baby produce, I've found my first baby zucchini! I'm very excited to see these taking off so well! I haven't dug around through all of them yet to see how many "baby" zucchinis I have, but with as many flowers as I've seen, I should get a good turn out!
A Honey Dew Blossom |
The Carrots |
My honey dew is growing like crazy! It keeps sending out little vine tendrils like the cucumber plant does, so in order to contain it, I'm considering putting it in a upside down tomato cage so it can grasp onto something and grow up a bit instead of just out. I'm not sure. This is the first time I've grown a melon. I just watch it grow up, up, up, fall over from the weight of itself and do it all again with the little vine tendrils just laying next to it straight. I'm going to do more research, but that's my best idea at this time.
The carrots are so happy! I'm really excited to eat them! Well, I guess I can say that about my entire garden. ;) Me (being the strange person I am) can't help but look at carrots and be reminded of cilantro. The leaves just look so similar to me!
Alona is beginning to have leaves bud! |
Our little rose bush is finally growing leaves of her own! I'm glad. I was really worried about her. She wasn't in the best of shape when we brought her home from the store and then I was worried that she wasn't getting enough light, but she's growing.
Our friend who was in the hospital was mugged and attacked early Monday morning. He's out of the danger zone after the surgery to see how bad the skull fracture was and to fix it, but he sadly has no health insurance to pay for this and (since he was mugged and his car stolen) now has to deal with a stolen identity, and a slew of other very hard things. We're working on getting a charity/benevolent organization together for him to help him. I'll update you all with more once that happens. In the meantime,
This is my crafting blog and the craft I put together to cheer him up while he's in the hospital. I'll post again soon everyone! Have a safe and happy holiday to those of you here in the US and everyone else, have a great weekend! (if I don't post again before that)