Well, we're leaning toward it possibly being a gopher or something similar that ate our poor pinwheels (if confused see my previous post!). This morning we went out to the back yard to get ready for company and there little raised "tunnels" all over the yard towards the house (no where near the garden thank goodness!). The good news is that we already have the pop bottle on stakes in place. This keeps gophers and tunneling creatures away because they don't like the vibrations. :D So it works for bunnies and tunnels! We did reposition our bottles (and may be adding more). We have one of each of the tall ones at each long side of the garden and then I moved the small one to the center of their little tunnels under Lulu.
The salad made from lettuce grown by us! With cheese added of course ;) |
We finally got to eat something from the garden! I am so excited :) Our lettuce was finally big enough to go and pick it all and (I chopped it up because I was excited) make a salad. It was really yummy! Some of the lettuce had a really nutty flavor when we ate it and when I was cutting it and then other types in there had a bit of bite. It was really good. I also pulled up one of my spring onion plants to go in there because I figured it was a good time to celebrate :-D.
Baby Corn Plants |
As I was replanting the lettuce (the kit we bought came with lots of different types of seeds and you're suppost to harvest and replant as desired) I decided to weed around the area as well. As I was pulling things up, I found that the squirrels have been planting some corn kernels from their feeder in the garden and now they are growing! 0.o I didn't even think that would be possible! I identified the baby plants and planted the new lettuce around them. I'm excited to see how they turn out!
My cucumber plants |
The cucumbers (and honey dew for that matter) are growing like crazy! I'm trying to train them to grow up the string but they're a little set against it. Some of the cucumbers (just like the honeydew) already have little buds.
I had originally meant to take pictures next to a ruler for this post, but maybe the next post. I'm so excited by how big it's all getting! The zucchini is starting to flower (I also had flowers on some of my basil) and the potatoes are flowering. It looks like Lulu is going to be getting a few more tomatoes soon (the food and compost really helped her) and even the pepper plants are looking up. Eating the salad was so much fun and it felt good to enjoy all my hard work. This weekend is nice (so far anyways) and I'm hoping at some point we'll go out to a park and walk around with our dog so I can take pictures :)
A picture that almost includes the entire garden. Before I moved the pop bottle stakes. |
A view from above where the lettuce is planted. |
I hope all of you have a blessed weekend!
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